Thursday, June 18, 2009

CITIZENS’ DIRECTGOV – D2C Initiative – a Virtual Governance

A virtual governance directly by the citizens. This is an experimental endeavor in accord with “Be the change…” – an alternative to ranting and raving about our corrupt and insensitive politicians and an outdated non-autonomous electoral system.

 The recent experiences of thousands of India activists to ‘make a difference’ in the governance of our Motherland would have enriched us all to re-reflect on our activities, and move towards a more collaborative dialogue and cooperative TEAM effort. None of us, individually, has the ideal solution or the means for the highly complex and multitudinous problems of India and her peoples. But yes, together we can CO-CREATE a SYSTEM, a “Direct Government” – Virtual Governance. Through ‘inter-net’ we can move to ‘inner-net’ and put in place a TEAM and a SYSTEM that we envision as near-ideal; we include all the stakeholders of democracy, and upset or antagonize none. Can we not?


There is no dearth of specialists amongst us; there are industry icons who are neither corrupt nor selfish, and worship India as Mother. There are millions of patriots too, who preach and practice ‘SERVICE-before-SELF’. These India-Leaders must echo the Citizens’ Message in the strongest words and voices – a message which will give hope to the hopeless, and deliver relief and redress to the helpless ‘Aam Aadmi’. Designed to reverberate in all the corridors and corners of India, this message will be a Declaration of an Irrevocable Commitment to: -
1) Endorse and encourage Sincerity, Integrity and Accountability, especially in public services;
2) Instill Healthy-Fear in the mind and heart of all anti-social citizens and agencies and,
3) Insist on a Zero-Tolerance to terrorism, communal violence and activities compromising our National Unity and harmony.
Bollywood-Brigade and Media would be required to chip in as their contribution to India-Engineering, their commitment to CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility. Media’s method of dissemination and quality of information has a pivotal role in resurgence of India. A ‘Pressure’ thus built, though in the virtual world, will definitely seep into the real world or may even cause a tsunami; for who does not know the power of thought, idea and internet? Our highest spiritual, Indian and human Values, International good practices and scientific advances, all point towards the critical need to think holistically and out-of-box.
Moreover, this is an endeavor, only ‘Parallel’ to all other activities already going on; there is little to lose and everything to gain – all for our Motherland.

This is a one-year program to evolve a mechanism more appropriate and more powerful. If the wiser and mightier amongst us can provide guidance, means, money and an office space it will catalyze this endeavor.
Those who are internet savvy, can spare one year no-remuneration-service for the nation, are welcome to join as the ‘Founder-Volunteers’; and all others who wish to encourage us, are welcome as ‘Friends’ of Golden Resurgent India.

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram !

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

India needs a Revolution

Nothing short of a revolution would suffice to deal with the present plight of India. CHANGE is the NEED of the hour, everybody is now supremely aware. All well meaning, concerned citizens have woken up to this need and feel deeply for the motherland.
Individually, each can contribute to the situation by BEING the change what one perceives in his highest consciousness: change one’s thinking and attitude towards life in dealing with one’s interactions with others and the environment, become a responsible and concerned citizen by becoming more sensitive to fellow citizen’s needs, thoughts, feelings and actions. This helps build the necessary ambiance for promoting better understanding of the situations and the unfolding of life.
Collectively, one can then aspire for and foster goodwill and the well-being of other fellow citizens and thus contribute to India’s welfare and growth. A collective team-aspiration and team-effort is critical for any revolution. Working in isolation by oneself, an individual or an organization can neither sustain its solitary endeavor nor effectively contribute to bring about the revolution India needs. ONLY a collaborative effort can make it possible if we are to see any results in our life time.
The question therefore for each citizen to first answer for himself is: Will you COLLABORATE?