We aim to create a platform for "Parallel Alternative Governance" for the citizens to participate and responsibly co-create Good Governance.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
SUPREME WISDOM COUNCIL OF INDIA is Golden India's pragmatic proposal for the present plight of India in response to the critical crises that plague the country / our Mother-India.
In ancient India there used to be always a place and a presence of a RajGuru, RajRishi, as the Supreme Head of Dharma (the Values of the Kingdom and of its people) to guide the King's governance in accordance with Dharma (Values).
The policies and the laws of the land were guided and directed by and were ALWAYS in consonance with these Values. Neither the King nor his ministers could compromise, violate or go against these fundamental Values.
These Values were citizen-friendly, easily comprehensible, pragmatic, sustainable, non-redundant, maximally broad-spectrum-ed, all-inclusive and empowered to prevent the presence and growth of greed, corruption, communal disharmony etc.
They contained a time-tested potentate program to induce and promote individual and collective human happiness and inner fulfillment, to foster the principles of "Unity+Mutuality+Harmony in Collective-Living", the essence of the principles of Collective Co-existence and Glocal Governance in Nature.
Justice was then swift and satisfactory, living was simple, secure and harmonious.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Problems, People, Politics
Problems exist ONLY where People exist; no people, no problems!!
Does this mean people CREATE or ARE themselves the problems? In a way YES, in a way NO – depending on HOW we THINK and FEEL.
Or, are problems our outer indicators of some inner significance that we often are too preoccupied to even notice?
Two interesting quotes:
1) “This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.” – Horace Walpole (1717-1797)
2) “There are no problems, only potentials for growth.” – Sri Aurobindo (1872 – 1950)
Problems are pointers that call for course corrections, re-reflection, introspection, re-alignment, reconsideration – to unlearn and re-learn. Since we human beings are gregarious, social animals first, we are pre-programmed to live with other humans and learn to survive the ordeals, or fulfill and evolve in togetherness in a collective, community living.
Our outer collective living needs to be suitably organized. How we organize ourselves as a group and our collective living determines the health and happiness of all its constituent members. Likewise, the infrastructure we create for a rich fulfillment of our needs, desires, ambitions and aspirations will determine our future.
Politics, the art of governance of people, is not a business. It must focus first, perennially and permanently, on the survival and on the quality of living of ALL citizens without discrimination. It should be primarily a Service-before-Self.
And without first understanding the complexities of people, their mind-heart-body-soul, without first creating the channels of communication for the flow of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, needs, difficulties, pains, tribulations, strife and struggles, compulsions, helplessness etc., how can the problems be addressed, redressed or resolved???